Dylan Menefee
Physician Assistant

Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Undergrad/Master's degree/ College attended: Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Butler University
What made you want to be a PA?
Everything about the process of becoming a PA – getting into PA school, enduring the challenge of school, and continuing to grow and be resourceful as a provider – prepares you for life itself. In the midst of a lifetime, finding things that slow down time to make you appreciate the moment are extremely valuable, which happens every day with seeing each patient. Nothing else matters in that interaction – your attention surrounds their life, story, family, and alleviation of their suffering.
Why UEPA? Or what makes UEPA different than other PA Programs?
Our director Mike Roscoe listens to his students. He was recently elected to serve as the director at large of the Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA) Board, which is elected by the PAEA member programs. Board membership represents the highest level of service to PAEA. It’s a young program, but UEPA allows you to get on the ground floor of a place where your voice is heard.
What is your favorite class?
I really enjoyed medical imaging during our didactic summer semester. The class brings together lessons from anatomy, physiology, and clinical medicine to give you a unique perspective on looking at an imaging study to assist in clinical diagnosis. Sean Harper, assistant professor of physician assistant science, is a huge advocate for equipping us with the skill of having high-level conversations with any provider in a health care team surrounding imaging results. It’s a challenging class, but it gives you an edge as a UEPA graduate.
What is your best advice for anyone working on the CASPA application?
Drink three cups of coffee and do all of the data entry and requesting of GRE scores/recommendation surveys all in one day. Spend the majority of time before August writing your essay and communicating with your recommendation writers. Send your essay to many people and don’t stop until you get a “wow.”
If you could go back and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?
I think we all struggle with trying to be perfect with our study plans, but the most important thing is taking care of yourself. Getting more sleep allows your daily studying to become more effective. Meditation or exercise allows your mind to be clearer to access the information that you’ve burned in your brain. Time management and organization are always great, but protecting your biggest asset (your brain) is extremely valuable.