Jillian Miller

Class Year: 2027
Hometown: Boonville, Indiana
Assuming you visited campus before transferring, please share your visit experience.
My visit was an extremely helpful element in my decision to transfer. I met professors in my discipline and spoke with them about how my previous school had not met my needs and what I believed each student should get out of a college experience. They assured me I had nothing to worry about here, and they were right! I immediately had access to resources I didn’t have at my previous school and met people all around me utilizing the same resources, such as study groups and open office hours.
How did UE support you in your transfer?
They communicated with me effectively and always made sure I had access to the resources I needed in my transfer process. Cherie in the admissions office was the biggest help to me. She constantly reached out (not only while transferring, but after my transfer) and thoroughly communicated how excited she was to have me at the university and just made sure I was adjusting well.
What activities or organizations have you been involved with at UE? How have these impacted your college experience?
When I visited UE in the fall of 2023, I chose to meet with Coach Freeman, the throws coach of the UE track and field team. We spoke and he said I could have a spot on the team. Having such a supportive team and coach to always push me to be my best not only helped me in my sport, but also in my transition to UE.
How has UE been affordable?
I received all of the same scholarships previously offered to me when I was first admitted to UE back in 2022. I came home for fall break to a letter in the mail and I immediately knew UE was an exceptional option, especially in the sense that I would be paying less than ¼ of what I was paying at the previous university.
Why did you choose UE?
I chose UE for a couple of reasons. At my previous school, my class sizes were outrageous, and trying to meet with a professor to ask a simple question could take hours. At UE, I can simply email a professor or visit them during office hours. Additionally, my previous school was 4 hours away. Now, I live only 30 minutes from campus. I also found the opportunity to compete in a Division I sport to be a unique experience that has always been my dream, but I never thought it would happen. Having a team behind me while I embark on this adventure has been extremely helpful, especially having met my best friend through the track team.
What do you love about being an Ace?
I love the tight-knit community and the outstanding school spirit our little school has. Even outside of the university, the city of Evansville is always behind us. I’ve never loved the color purple more!
What are your goals after graduation? If you have already graduated, how has UE helped you to reach your goals?
I hope to pursue a career in finance, potentially as a financial advisor or analyst!
What advice do you have for students considering transferring to UE?
Don’t be afraid to make a switch. The school that I was attending had been my dream school for years, and making the change was undeniably hard, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I never thought I would be unhappy there, and it took a lot of courage to admit it to myself. Just be honest with yourself!